Get Started下面的示例按州显示了一个虚拟销售团队的工作。单击每个标记以获取完整数据,或者使用标记颜色来确定每个区域中的范围。通过在地图的左下角菜单中选择不同的数据字段,更改标记颜色表示的数据。您可以通过复制、粘贴数据或上传电子表格来发现自己数据含义。
View Example Sales Map in a full screen map
除了标记颜色外,还可以使用 强大的分组功能限制范围的显示。您可深入了解地理信息。在本例中,请参见每个州的总销售价值、销售数量和每次销售的收入。您还可以筛选特定销售代表的地区或以上任何条件的组合。Roma和Moss做得很好,而Levene的业绩差些。
- 总销售额 (货币)
- 销售量
- 销售日期
- 销售代表
- 您所在行业的特定销售线索标准数据
像上面这样的聚合结果对于报告很有用,但是当您用潜在客户或客户的完整地址制作地图时,我们的工具可显示其更强大作用。虽然地址是最精确的,但我们的 快而准的地理编码也可将城市、州或邮政编码转换成可制作地图的坐标。
无论您有销售线索的哪些地理信息,包括 从网页表单发回的IP地址 ,这些都能帮助您了解下一步将在哪里有重点地开展工作。例如,您可使用高级地图标记群集功能 汇总一个地区所有潜在交易的总额。或者您也可以使用 我们的移动应用在您开车时找到离您最近的客户。
Online Sales Example
BatchGeo mapping tools offer your team unique insights into sales data by visualizing geographical patterns and relationships. Uncover hidden trends and correlations that might not be apparent in traditional tabular data. For example, identify clusters of high-value customers in specific regions, understand the impact of geographic factors on purchasing behavior, and discover emerging market trends by observing spatial patterns of sales growth or decline.
View Example Online Widget Sales Map in a full screen map
The example above illustrates a fictional online sales team's efforts by state and product type. Leveraging the advanced marker clustering feature, distinct regional trends are revealed where certain products exhibit higher popularity in specific areas. For instance, Widget A appears to be favored in New York, Widget B shows popularity in Florida, and Widget C is preferred in Texas.
These insights enable teams to allocate resources more efficiently, target promotions to areas with higher demand, and optimize sales efforts for maximum impact, ultimately driving higher sales and customer satisfaction.
Ready to Try BatchGeo?
We love maps, and we think they should be easy to make. That's why we built BatchGeo, the fastest way to create Google Maps with your data. If you’re ready to jump in and start mapping your data, the best way to get a feel for BatchGeo is to try our free tool.
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